Chuckwagon at the End of the World

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Upon returning to Earth from space after a four thousand year absence, the salt-addicted Killer Unicorns of the Apocalypse find that their former human caretakers allowed their race to become extinct and slaughters most of mankind. What’s left of people-dom go into hiding in a Salt Mine in the wastelands of Kansas. Desperate for food, two men are brave enough to roam the wasteland in a monster food truck (the last restaurant on earth) hunting the one-horned assholes and frying their remains to create the greatest sammich in the universe, The Unicorned Beef.

Jimmy Jackson – Pre-Apocalypse, this NFL Quarterback’s pride makes him un the ball into the end zone rather than hand off to his running back to lose his fantasy football game, costing him his right eye and depth perception. Jimmy starts a new chapter using his fortune to go from interception prone athlete The Risko Kid to superstar food truck cook The Chrisco Kid.

T.D. – Jimmy’s best best friend, the tiny Italian greyhound he rescued from an ex-teammate’s miniature dog racing ring.  12 inches tall and just 12 lbs.  A dozen and a dozen.   

‘Corn Crusher– Jimmy’s ethanol supercharged kitchen on monster wheels. 

Cooter Gold –  Where Jimmy is pure instinct as a driver, His sidebuster Cooter keeps ‘Corn Crusher running with his analytical science fair genius and provides his own four eyes as depth perception to complete Jimmy’s cannon arm and driving skills. 

Uni-Karen – Uni-Karen knows she’s the smartest AND fairest of them all: her human slave groomers and army forces all tell her as much each morning.Unfortunately, her propensity for salt often causes them to snort their fuel source before they take off.

Uni-Clyde– A plodding Clydesdale half-breed, Uni-Karen’s right hand willing to slam his body through any obstacle to Karen’s orders to find salt.